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Garden City Nursing Home
Abuse Lawyer

Garden City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Sending a loved one in a nursing home is often a hard decision, made with the hope of providing them with the best possible care. Unfortunately, far too many incidents of abuse occur there. If you think that someone you care about has been mistreated, you should contact an experienced Garden City nursing home abuse lawyer immediately.

Understanding Nursing Home Abuse

The different forms of nursing home abuse include:

  1. Physical abuse: This is an intentional formation of physical harm, such as striking, pushing, and restraining.
  2. Emotional abuse: This is the verbal harassment, humiliation, or intimidation of residents that cause them emotional stress.
  3. Neglect: This occurs when there is a failure to provide care necessary for survival, such as food, water, medication, or hygiene.
  4. Financial exploitation: It means the misuse of money or other resources of the resident.
  5. Sexual abuse: This refers to sexual interaction with those who live there without permission from them is referred to here.

Nursing Home Abuse Signs

It is very necessary to keep a watch on signs of nursing home abuse to effectively ensure that your loved one remains well protected. The common indicators include the following:

  1. Injuries for which apparently no plausible explanation is possible, like bruises, cuts, or even broken bones.
  2. Physical signs of negligence.
  3. Behavioral change, such as retreat, terror, or hostility.
  4. Financial irregularities or missing personal belongings.
  5. Bedsores or pressure ulcers.
  6. Untreated medical conditions.

How a Garden City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Can Help You?

It is very important that you get assistance from an able nursing home abuse attorney to enable you to go through the confusing process of the law. Some of the activities that the good attorney will do include:

  1. Investigating the case: The attorney shall gather evidence that can prove your claim, like medical records, witness statements, photographs.
  2. Building a strong case: We will come up with a legal strategy to ensure that all parties are held liable.
  3. Negotiations with insurance companies: Engage in negotiations with insurance providers to guarantee just compensation.
  4. Representing you in court: In the event of a failure to reach a settlement, we will litigate the case.

Legal Rights and Remedies

If your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse, you might be able to recover for current and future medical care, pain, and suffering, as well as any loss of companionship. A Garden City nursing home abuse lawyer can advise you of your legal rights and pursue the maximum compensation available.

Choosing the Right Lawyer

The key to success in your case is to find the right attorney. You are searching for an attorney with a history of handling nursing home abuse cases, successes in winning, and compassion toward the client.


If you believe that someone has been abused within a nursing home, you must act quickly. You need to consult with a Garden City nursing home abuse attorney right away for discussion of your case and your options in the matter.

Nursing home abuse is a real problem that can have disastrous outcomes for the victims and their families. If you have reason to believe that someone has been abused, don’t delay in retaining the qualified services of an attorney. With a strong attorney at your side, you can ensure the facility is held responsible for their negligence and receive justice concerning the treatment of your loved one.

If you want to have a free consultation with a Garden City Lawyer then call now at (718) 414-6642.

Justin William, Esq.

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Peace of Mind Briefing: (718) 414-6642

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