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Medical malpractice cases are typically centered on the wrongdoing of a medical practitioner. So, what would happen if a doctor suggest a dangerous prescription medication to a patient? Legally, the doctor who gives the incorrect prescription is liable for the error. Medication errors are complicated cases because you must demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that the doctors’ actions constituted medical negligence. This article discusses the circumstances under which a doctor’s error is considered medical misconduct. What Types Of Prescription Errors Cause Medical Malpractice? Several prescription medication errors and related actions may result in legal issues. These are the…Read More

Dog Bite Liability Laws In Long Island, NY

Dog bites can occur unexpectedly and result in serious injuries. A dog that appears gentle or aggressive can bite you or your loved one without giving a warning sign. Importantly, this can happen to any dog; dog biting is not limited to large breeds like pit bulls, Rottweilers, and German shepherds. Instead, dogs of all breeds can bite and injure you. Long Island has many dog parks where dog bites can occur, but these incidents can occur anywhere. You could be bitten while walking down the street or visiting a friend whose dog you are familiar with. Dogs are unpredictable…Read More

Dog Bite Treatment- First Aid, Precautions & Seeking Help

If you’ve been bitten by a dog, it’s critical to treat the wound as soon as possible to reduce your risk of bacterial infection. You should also evaluate the wound to determine its severity. In some cases, you will be able to provide first aid to yourself. In other cases, you will require immediate medical attention. You may feel shaken after being bitten by a dog, whether it is yours or someone else’s. If you require medical assistance, call for assistance rather than driving yourself to the doctor or hospital. Continue reading to find out what you should do after…Read More


Although many people may associate opioid overdoses with illicit street drugs like heroin and fentanyl, individuals legitimately taking prescription opioids under the care of a healthcare professional are at risk of prescription opioid overdose. While doctors prescribe opioids to patients for legitimate reasons, it is not uncommon for an individual to be overprescribed opioids, which can cause them to develop an addiction to the drug, increasing their chances of injury or death due to an opioid overdose. In New Jersey, doctors and other healthcare professionals can be held liable through medical malpractice lawsuits if their negligence resulted in a prescription opioid…Read More

How To File A Medical Malpractice Case

If you’re wondering that you have a case for medical malpractice then you should never have to wonder. If doctors doesn’t treat you fairly or carefully performed a procedure then it’s your right to fight back by filing a medical malpractice claim. You may be unsure whether your case will stand up in court, which is why you should consult with a lawyer and explain the details to them. A medical malpractice attorney will know whether your case is worth pursuing as a medical malpractice lawsuit. How to Start a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit If you are unfamiliar with medical litigation, like…Read More

Top 10 Causes Of Boating Accident

Keep yourself safe while boating by avoiding the following common causes of boating accidents. With the summer boating season rapidly approaching, it is critical that we refresh our knowledge of how to stay safe on the water. Here Are The Top 10 Causes Of Boating Accidents: Operator inexperience: According to the annual report of the experts, operator inexperience was the most common cause of boating accidents. Operators must not only understand the fundamentals of boating and navigation rules, but they must also be prepared to handle emergency situations. Weather: Before setting out, boat operators should always check the weather, including storm…Read More

Dangerous Property Conditions Causing Injuries

At NY, we frequently receive calls from injured people who believe a state or local government agency is the reason for their injuries. It would be best if you worked with an experienced and talented litigator in cases involving dangerous conditions on public property because there are several legal nuances that your attorney must be aware of to present a claim against a public entity successfully. Injured In New York? City and state governments are responsible for dangerous conditions on public property. As a result, if these conditions are not properly addressed, any accident, injury, or death that occurs will…Read More

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