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Speeding Ticket Cost in New York

Speeding Ticket Cost in New York

Traffic tickets are frequently worth fighting. When points, insurance increases, and driver responsibility assessments are taken into account, the true cost of a ticket may be far higher than the amount imposed. At the US Legal Law Office, we recognize that driving is critical to your livelihood and ability to conduct everyday business. We present the strongest possible arguments in order to reduce fines, points, and other unpleasant repercussions of driving offenses, which can include license suspension.

A first-time New York traffic ticket conviction can result in fines ranging from $90 to $600. Speeding 1 to 10 miles per hour over the limit will pay $45-$150; 11 miles per hour to 30 miles per hour over the limit will cost $90-$300; and 31 miles per hour or more will cost $180-$600. Surcharges In addition to the speeding ticket fine, New York imposes a fee of $88 or $93 (depending on whether the motorist was in a city or a town/village).

Increase In Auto Insurance Premiums

Insurance companies have the authority to raise drivers’ premiums based on the number of points awarded on their driving record. According to numerous studies, a single traffic ticket can result in a 30% increase in a driver’s auto insurance premium. Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee (DRA): Drivers who receive six or more points for offenses committed within the previous 18 months may be subject to an additional fine known as the Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee (DRA).

The penalty is $300. After the sixth point, there will be an extra $75 charge. This cost is paid to the DMV in addition to the court penalty related with the violation.


The New York DMV will deduct three points for exceeding the speed limit by one to ten miles per hour, four points for exceeding the speed limit by eleven to twenty miles per hour, six points for exceeding the speed limit by twenty-one to thirty miles per hour, eight points for exceeding the speed limit by thirty-one to forty miles per hour, and eleven points for exceeding the speed limit by forty miles per hour or more.

Second Offenses and Speeding in A Work Zone Result in Much Higher Fines

In New York, accumulating points on your license can lead to license suspension as well as additional annual fees known as driver responsibility assessments. If you are guilty of traffic violations that result in points on your license, your license may be suspended based on the time frame and number of points.

Reckless Driving: A conviction for reckless driving results in five points being added to your license. Other related infractions, such as driving left of center in the wrong direction or fleeing the scene of a property damage accident, result in three-point assessments.

Cell Phone Violations: A five-point penalty will be assessed for improper use of a cell phone or other electronic device for texting, calling, or any other reason.

Careless Driving: Common violations such as tailgating and failing to properly maintain brakes are punishable by four points. Though if you are failing to stop the red sign it will results in 3 points.

Aside from the legal ramifications, accruing points on your license affects your insurance prices and may even force your carrier to reject you as a high-risk insured. Experienced team of New York Traffic Lawyer at US Legal Law office evaluate your situation and advise you on the best course of action to keep your point total below the allowable maximum.

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